Happy holidays every one. Hope you're all chillin' with the loved ones and being all merry and stuff.
And from the bottom of deep, dark, dank, heart:
Your one stop shop for new Ultra-Tech Gear and Weapons. This blog mainly deal with fun new toys for fairly realistic TL 9+ GURPS Ultra-Tech settings with some cutting edge modern tech ever now and then for flavor.
And from the bottom of deep, dark, dank, heart:
Note: Slight update
GURPS forum user Kale made the great suggestion of allowing the forward grip be swapped with a tac light which I should of included from the state. Good call man. He also suggested adding the option of adding a small 20 gauge shotgun in lieu of an idea I had off adding in a really small grenade launcher earlier in my concept phase for this gun. I was looking into maybe adding something like the S&W Governor but then it dawned on me that 15mm gyroc was about the same size as a 20 gauge so I went with that idea instead. Also another forum user by the name Say, it isn't that bad! has said that my stat lines are coming in weird for him. Well I looked into ways to fix it and it looks like Blogger has made it easier to add tables (the last time I tried it was so finicky that I gave up and have been hand adjusting stat lines since) so I have updated the PDW-7P's stat line to have a proper table. It's still wonky AF but hopefully it's more stable.
Wolden & Hawks PDW-7P, 8mmAADR (TL 9)
Deigning the actual firing platform was the easy part. Based on interviews with potential clients, Wolden & Hawks only took seven design iterations to come up with the PDW-7P. It was to be handy in closed in fighting situations and with a strong emphasis on making it very easy to holster or conceal and extremely reliable (treat as Fine( Reliable)) so that it didn't jam or fail to feed in the middle of fight. This lead to the weapon being no larger then a heavy pistol (hence the 7P, seven for the seventh design iteration and P for pistol form factor) with a somewhat boxy appearance do to it having an integrated P90 style forward grip in front of the trigger guard which incorporated an ambidextrous fire control selector (which could be switched between safe, semi-auto, 3-round limited burst, and full auto) and a built in telescoping collapsible stock (one ready maneuver to collapse or pull out the stock). This let it be stored and used as readily a normal pistol but with a flick of the selector allowed it to instantly transition into a machine pistol or if better stability and accuracy was needed the stock could be extended turning it into a full on submachine gun. While the weapon only used a standard iron sight and smart gun electronics to keep the weapons bulk down, it did have a top mounted modular rail so buyers could add their own sighting options if needed. The forward half of the forward grip can be removed and replaced with either a tactical flashlight (50 yard beam, $100, 1 A/8hrs. See High-Tech pg. 52) or a under barrel Holdout Gyroc, 15mm (see Ultra-Tech pg. 144 and 145)
The hard part was what to chamber it in. Feedback had reviled a desire to have penetration levels near what the 5.7mmCL could do in a full sized SMG but given that the PDW-7P had a normal pistol length barrel there was not many round that could fit the bill and they were going to have to make their own custom cartridge. After several rounds of simulations and testing they found that a high-pressure round based on a heavily modified 9mmCL cartridge would suit their needs. The base round was necked down to 7.92mm with a 6 gram bulk amorphous tungsten cored projectile. To push for a high muzzle velocity a a higher pressure propellant block was used with a light composite coating applied to the block making it semi-caseless. This coating would briefly contain the expanding gas when the round was fired further increasing the chamber pressure bumping the muzzle energy up by roughly 9.3%. The composite coating is then burned up and ejected out the barrel with the rest of the propellant residue. Between the high velocity and dense core, this gives the round nearly 10mm of penetration of RHA equivalent. Given that the round was close enough to 8mm and its primary purpose it was christen the 8mm Advanced Armor Defeating Round.
The PDW-7P originally only came with a conventional sized doubled stacked pistol magazine capable of holding 20 rounds to help with concealment but W & H eventually developed a 33 round extended mag (0.5 lbs, $20) after customer receiving enough customer feed back asking for the option. A third party developed 100 round C-mag (2 lbs, $160. An integrated A cells powers drum for up to 1,000 rounds. Worsens bulk by -1) also became available but W & H strongly recommend against its use as they viewed it as unreliable (drop Malf. to normal while loaded with this magazine) and the amount of extra bulk it added to the platform was over all incompatible with the weapons concept.
The excellent performance of the weapon however came with a high cost per round which was further impacted by the 8mmADD's production being limited to just its flagship platform. But despite this sales have been have been at lest steady with many of the major private protection firms buying at lest a limited test of the weapon. This has also lead to other firearm manufacturers to start to take note of the round which may lead to further adoption driving costs down further.
GUNS (SMG) (DX-4, or most other Guns at -2)
TL | Weapon | Damage | Acc | Range | Weight | ROF | Shots | ST | Bulk | Rcl | Cost | LC | Notes |
9 | PDW-7P, | 4d-1 (2) pi- | 3 |
220/2,400 | 2.5/0.3 | 12 | 20 +1 (3) | 5† | -3 | 2 | $890/$18 | 2 | [1, 2, 3] |
8mmAADR |
[1] With the stock collapsed Acc drops to 2, ST changes to 7, and bulk goes down to -2 and can be used with the GUNS (PISTOL) skill instead.
[2] With drum mag ST becomes 6† with stock, 8 with the stock collapsed.
[3] Accessory rail.
9 0.015 $0.52
Even with ultra-tech advances in missile technology many militaries still have the need for a simple, accurate, and relatively cheap man portable heavy direct fire support platform. The Belgium developed Limburg Geavanceerde Industriële Productie (Limburg Advanced Industrial Manufacturing) Light Anti-Material 88 millimeter recoilless rifle was developed to fill that niche.
The LAA-88 follows a fairly conventional shoulder launch design that took advantage of advancements in material manufacturing to build the main body out of composite fiber wrapped around a rifled barrel made of titanium alloy. This kept the weapons weight down while maintaining a long barrel life (rated for 1,500 shots before needing to be discarded) without major increase in manufacturing cost. Also while not a true Rarefaction Wave Gun, it does use a similar but simpler gas pressure trapping system to reduce the amount of wasted motive energy normally present in recoilless designs and increase the weapons muzzle without needing more propellant. At its rear is a proprietary advanced variable aperture venturi which helps break up the weapons backblast cutting its force by almost a third. To handle the weapon it features an ergonomic integrated forward grip, trigger assembly and adjustable shoulder rest made of high impact polymer. It also has a detachable 0.9lbs 4× IR scope with integrated targeting computer and standard smart gun electronics (+2 Acc from scope, +3 Acc from laser rangefinder, range 5,000 yards, +2 to Guns (LAW)*, 1B/10hrs). While it can be used by a single operator (doubles how long it takes to reload) it more optimally used with a two man crew with one carrying and firing the weapon and the other loading it and carrying the ammunition.
Like all reoilless rifle ammunition the 88mmRL rounds are actually rifled cannon rounds and not rockets. This means a reoilless round leaves the barrel its peak velocity as allowing it to reach a higher muzzle velocity over all and making them more accurate then a rocket. The round further increases muzzle velocity to over twice that of earlier models not only through its launch platforms pressure trapping system but through the use of higher energy explosives based propellant. They weigh 4.4lbs which include a counter mass made of high surface area to mass plastic flakes designed to decelerate quickly further helping to contain its backblast. The ammunition is rear loaded into the LAA-88 opening the sealing lock just before venturi and then twisting it open, sliding in the round, twisting it back down, and then closing the sealing lock.
Besides Shaped-Charge rounds (in table), it could also fired HE (7d×4(0.5) cr with a 5d×5 [4d+1] cr ex follow up), MF-DC (Multiple Fletch-Dense Cored, 1d(2) pi-, ROF 1 × 1,100 ), SAP-E2 which is designed to penetrate into a target like a bunker before setting off a powerful Thermobaric explosive (Semi-Armor Piercing-Enhanced Effect, 7d×4 cr with a 5d×10 cr ex follow up. Divide crushing explosive damage by [2 × distance in yards from center of blast]), Electromagnetic Smoke (9 yard radii, lasts for 1 to 4 minutes. Takes 9 seconds to fully deploy.), and flare (900 yards radii, lasts for 5 minutes) rounds.
LGIP also offers more advanced version of its range of 88mmRL rounds which use an nano-optic array and added control surfaces similar to the the type used in their range of 15 and 30mm Gyrocs which allows the rounds to make course corrections to greatly increase the weapons accuracy. These increase the rounds Acc to 7 but triple the cost.
Backblast: 1d+1 cr
GUNS (LAW) (DX-4 or most other Guns at -4)
TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight ROF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
9 LAA-88, 88mmRL 5d×11(10) cr inc 5 +2 10/2,700 13.9/4.4 1 1(4) 8† -7 1 $2,700 1 [1, 2]
Linked 6d×2 [4d+1] cr ex
[1] Hazardous backblast (see description).
[2] First Range figure is minimum range, not 1/2D.
9 88mmRL Shaped Charge 4.4 $280 1
9 88mmRL HE 4.4 $250 1
9 88mmRL MF-DC 4.4 $440 1
9 88mmRL SAP-E2 4.4 $500 1
9 88mmRL Electromagnetic Smoke 4.4 $310 1
9 88mmRL Flare 4.4 $280 1
*Uses the Specialized Targeting Programs optional rule from Future Soldier, Pyramid 3-55 Military Sci-Fi. This program is specialized to work only with this weapon dropping the Complexity for a +2 to Guns down from Complexity 4 to a Complexity 2 program. $250.